Thursday, 16 May 2013

No more nothing.

"I must not wish my life away", these are the words a dear friend of my mine said and I find myself trying to live by them.  It's not uncommon to wish the boring, days, hours or even weeks would go faster in anticipation of something better to come.  This wishing for time to pass has come to my attention as being ludacris, how could I wish for less life?!  Yet its a common practice, I'm going to Singapore in a week and wish I was going tomorrow.  But hang on, I have a whole weeks worth of achievements I should be trying to fit in first.  Or not even achievements just life to live.

One undateable, particularly boring night earlier this year I promised my self no more nights of nothing.  In short I decided that I would not be lazy.  Each night I must do at least one of the following; cook something incredible (no cereal for dinner), see a dear friend, write,  take the schnauzer for a long adventure, speak with a distant friend or family member, yoga, lover, read or watch something I have not seen before.

Last night I failed at this, lover was at work, my girlfriend and I decided it was too cold to go out and everything else just fell to the way side.  Needless to say I found myself watching reruns and eating too much, why?  I was waiting for the day to end, today in the light of feeling positive again I must say shame on you to my last night self.  Luckily such dismal a night happens about once a month to me so nothing to panic about but it really was a sorry state of affairs.

Today I have remade this no nothing promise to myself and plan to enjoy my life with no boring moments, today (a day with no real work) has already been filled with cooking, love and taking the schnauzer out.  Also the very productive birth of this blog, tonight I plan to make a disgustingly healthy green soup, become soulful in yoga then get lost in the snuff sniffing world of Sherlock Holmes (the novella) , no more nothing is in full swing. 

Lets see how long it lasts this time... I must not wish my life away.

1 comment:

  1. Jac,
    Firstly, welcome to bloggland! I share you abhorrence of time wasting and I have often felt that I have spent my days wishing they were other days. I have accepted the philosophy that so long as I am doing something I enjoy, so long as I am "in the moment" I am occupying and enjoying that moment, then it is not a wasted moment or day.
    The Dalai lama says that the purpose of life is to be happy and this is a Buddhist idea I am very happy with. My belief is that we are all here to experience creation and be the people we are to our best ability. Some rainy days that means spending the day on the couch, with pop corn and movies. It doesn't feel like a wasted day so long as I chose what I'm doing and it feels like fun. Just my thoughts.
    Chi-Chi X
